Quick Tips - Set in Javascript
Quick Tips - Set in Javascript
· ☕ 3 min read
When writing javascript, most of us default to using objects/arrays when we need to store stuff. It makes the most sense usually, but there are 2 other types that are often slept on.

Quick Tips - Map in Javascript
Quick Tips - Map in Javascript
· ☕ 1 min read
When writing javascript, most of us default to using objects/arrays when we need to store stuff. It makes the most sense usually, but there are 2 other types that are often slept on.

Quick Tips - Early Returns
Quick Tips - Early Returns
· ☕ 1 min read
A good tip to keep in mind when programming is minimizing your use of else statements. When possible, exit the function context earlier given a value that establishes the given return, rather than reflecting that with an else statement to check for something else.